TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - Help diagnosing A/F ratio differential between passenger
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Subject Help diagnosing A/F ratio differential between passenger
Posted by SirpriZ on December 18, 2018 at 6:10 PM
  This message has been viewed 247 times.
Message and driver's side. I am trying to help a friend diagnose an A/F ratio differential from passenger and driver's side. He has cleaned and flow tested his 740cc Nismo injectors. They are between 739-741cc. His ratio is 11.2 on the passenger's side and 11.8 on the driver's side. His fuel line is plumbed in series (meaning the passenger side sees the fuel first and then the driver's side sees the fuel). He is running sport 550 turbos with all the breather mods plus 400+ cams, headwork, and E85. So his (bench racing) projected HP is around 600rwhp. He has a Walbro upgraded pump and Aeromotive FPR. That's the background. Has anyone seen a significant differential in A/F ratio on different banks (whether with a stock pump at it's upper limit or with an aftermarket pump) when rails are mounted in series (one first, then the other)? I know our cars' stock rails are in series, but those were designed for a car making 300bhp.

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